Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Almost a full year since I updated this....not that anyone is following it anyways, lol. Ironic, really, I often find myself laughing at/by myself in real life too not just the "cyber world". We are currently on spring break and so far the kids have been driving me crazy, it doesn't help that I've been sick since last Saturday. Ugh! Finally starting to feel half way human again so I thought I'd do alittle cleaning, blogging, then hopefully start sewing today. I have wanted to start my own kids clothing company for about a year now but for whatever reasons life has been getting in the way or maybe I've been getting in my own way. Procrastinating...is that even how you spell it?? Who cares. I think I'm scared of the unknown...how will I file my taxes?, how do you keep track of everything?, what if I invest and no one ever buys the stuff I worked so hard to make?, you know the normal self-doubt/think of ever reason possible to not take the plunge into life kind of stuff. I think I'm finally ready to grow up and put my big girl panties on and go for it. Who cares if it's a giant flop?? I mean hey, you don't know till you try, right? So here is the first day of school picture of the kids since I'm a bit behind. Maybe one day I'll get caught up...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The summer is just flying by...

Can't believe July is almost half way over. In thirty-something days school will be back in session and honestly I have mixed feelings about it. Part of me is totally thrilled...finally a few hours to myself in the mornings while both kids are in school & then the other part is dreading getting up so early to get everyone ready and out the door on time. Hmm... We've had alot of fun this summer & hopefully we can fit a bit more in before it's over.

This next year just might be the BEST

So a few days ago I turned 27!! I was thinking in the days leading up to this that I would be totally depressed, realizing my life is slipping by at a rate I could have never imagined but actually my 27th birthday may have just been the best I've ever had. I spent the day in Kansas City with my husband Nick & wonderful mother-in-law Judy. We ate & went shopping & ate some more..lol. It was an absolute blast! I couldn't have asked for more. That night I realized that...yes, my life is slipping by way too fast but (hopefully) it's no where close to being over and I still have alot of living to do. So I decided that this next year is going to be the best year yet. There are so many things I've been wanting to do with my life and there is no better time to start than right now. The plan is to start documenting this FAB. year on my poor long forgotten blog so here goes.....

Friday, June 19, 2009

And The Prettiest Girl Award Goes To......

lola hair
Miss Lola Rose. Getting all prettied up with no where to go. Oh course, there is no after picture because someone refused to keep them in long enough to curl. Oh well, still makes a cute photo.

Friday, June 5, 2009

So I thought I would put some photos up of the kids to get started. The ice cream photo of Jonas is my favorite of him. It was actually taken last year this time but it's so cute, I couldn't resist posting it. And the one of Lola is recent. She loves to jibber jabber on the phone. jicecream

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh Go Blog Yourself!

So we have decided to start a Blog so friends and family can keep track of all the great things Jonas & Lola are up to. I'm hoping I will get the hang of this and be able to update this frequently. Keep your fingers crossed.